• Teams will play head to head. Each team picks a side to play on. Your ENTIRE team will be on one side.
  • The goal is to close out each hole by throwing a bag into the hole. Once a hole is made, that hole should be covered by a puck immediately and team takes a drink.
  • Each player on a team will throw 1 bag, alternating shots with the other team. A player may stand on either side of the board when throwing. Teams do not have to throw in any particular order. Once all bagz have been thrown, you may clear the board and start the next round.
  • Each round begins with whoever is losing at that point, going first. If it’s tied, the team on the receiving end from the last round, last bag thrown, brings it back and goes first.
  • SCREWGIE BAG: Each team will have 1 different colored bag, the Screwgie Bag. Any player can throw it at any time. If made, not only do you close out that hole, but you get to uncover an opponents hole. When removing the puck, if a bag sitting on the board falls into a hole it counts, so be careful!
  • Once a team closes out the final hole, the opposing team will have a REDEMPTION period. This means they will have to close out ALL of their remaining holes, without missing, by alternating players. In other words. the same player can’t throw all of the bagz. Any player can begin the REDEMPTION period. If missed, game is over. If successful, an Overtime period will begin.
  • OVERTIME Round 1 – Teams may pick their own 3 holes to be uncovered. Play will continue as stated above with the team who had closed out all their holes in the last round going first.
  • OVERTIME Round 2 – Teams may pick the opposing teams holes to be uncovered.
  • OVERTIME Round 3 – Biermeister selects which holes to be uncovered.