Q: Do I have to play in every event, at every brewery? A: NO. You can just play at one event. Win it and your team moves on to the Championships Nov. 20 at Tabula Rasa Q: Do I have to chug beer during every game? A: NO. Some games don’t require any drinking atContinue reading “2021 Q & A”
Author Archives: briansiegmann
2021 Steins are in!
Great news! We just received the new 2021 steins over the weekend. If you have pre-ordered yours AND you played in any event last year, we will have your stein at Hyperion next Thurs Sept. 2 at the LIVE registrations. If you have pre-ordered yours AND you DID NOT play in any event last year,Continue reading “2021 Steins are in!”
Join us at King Maker Brewing Co. this Sat. May 1st for Maifest…halfway to Siegtoberfest! Come play DRINKO and win prizes. Pre-order your 2021 stein, buy a scratch off (proceeds benefit the Jax Zoo), and pick up info on registering your team this fall.